Sales graph increase sales

It is possible to get video production, video editing and 3D animation services with little out of pocket or up front expense to a business.  The solution is collaborating on trade so if you have a business that provides products or services that I find valuable we can leverage each other’s value propositions and exchange them.  So if you need video work done, I may need a new roof (which unfortunately we will need soon) — you get the point. 

One of my goals for this website is to find more freelance video production, video editing and 3D animation projects.  In the past I have enjoyed providing video services for smaller companies and nonprofits and have even provided these services on trade.  Bartering in this way has proven to be a creative win-win relationship!

Startups have limited resources at first

Perhaps you are a startup looking for quality and high value and want to keep your costs down.  Maybe your organization was looking to get videos made but due to the prohibitive cost and high quotes you were getting you decided to delay such investments to divert your limited resources to grow your business elsewhere.  Trading what you provide as value with other businesses that can help you is a creative win-win. 

Maybe you tried making videos yourself and you’re just not happy with the results. I have a lot of experience taking existing video projects and re-editing and repurposing them so organizations can get more value out of them.  You can save money and I have always found it challenging and fun to revitalize a business’s branding and messaging in this way.

How bartering for video production works

In exchange for your services and products I can provide video and general media services.  Perhaps you have a lobby video running on a loop you would like to freshen up or you do not have one at all but want one? Perhaps you are looking for a new series of television commercials or web explainer videos?  Maybe you want to put new testimonials on your website from some of your happiest customers, clients or patients?

We can both benefit from this type of collaboration.  In this sense it is not a matter of “you get what you pay for”.  This arrangement allows us to trade on the premium value we each assess for each other.  Depending on the scope of the projects, sometimes the trade doesn’t have to go dollar for dollar, we can even arrange for a percentage of trade at least to keep the project or hourly costs down.

We are currently open to trading our video production and editing services with a few of these businesses:

  • Restaurants & Cafes
  • Roofers
  • Computer/Workstations
  • Cloud hosting
  • Pest Control Company
  • Auto Sales & Repair
  • RV Sales and Rentals
  • Home Insulation
  • A/C Repairs
  • A/C Vent Cleaning
  • Home Construction and Subcontractors
  • New Driveway
  • Landscaping Companies
  • Plant Nurseries

This list is subject to change, so if you are a company looking to find creative ways to get Video Production Services without breaking the bank, reach out to me!

Bartering isn’t for everyone

In summary, in the past I have found it very rewarding to work with smaller companies on trade.  Startups without the capital at first to afford the level of video production they could afford at the beginning have limited options. Some companies may find that this is too low brow and are too proud to barter so they will work around not using videos. Rest assured if these companies wait too long their competitors inevitably will not.

I’ve developed some great relationships with some very successful business owners and I’m proud to have seen many of these companies really take off.  Here are some examples of some of the partial trades I have provided video production services in exchange for:  A restaurant with a tab, a week with an RV, a credit for plants at a nursery, pallets of mulch and paver bricks, new computers and monitors, etc.

Please contact me by filling out the contact form or giving me a call. We can talk about your business goals and how videos can help you achieve your goals in advertising, providing information and helping you communicate effectively to your target market.

Pendulum book cover

I just finished the book “Pendulum: How past generations shape our present and predict our future“. It’s macro guide with micro strategic implications that could help a business become more profitable.

It’s an interesting read about the natural 80-year cycles of society’s shifts in attitudes and tastes and how best to capitalize on these tidal changes from a marketing perspective. Since marketing is mostly an appeal to emotions, it helps provide general guidance about regional societies’ changing tastes, norms, and preferences that can shape marketing strategies and help make decisions for advertising and calls to action based on emotional appeal.

For instance, should marketing and public messaging appeal to a more individualistic or common, nationalistic sentiment? “Pendulum” kind of looks at the tea leaves in its sometimes too-rigid 80-year cycle context. At times, though the authors seem to struggle to fit past major events tightly into it’s 20-year pendulum movements to justify their findings, its greater service is how it raises awareness and helps marketing strategists be more cognizant of the phenomenon of society’s macro shifts in human emotions and behaviors.

“Pendulum” also explains why and how public sentiment can seem to shift so quickly, making the case that Marketing must be fluid and the only constant when dealing with human behavior and audiences is that they will inevitably change. Armed with Pendulum’s insights, these changes in public sentiment may become more predictable and less jarring to companies who may be reeling from a sudden loss in web traffic or audience response.

Looking at current events and recent events in the past I find in a lot of ways it’s not too far off the mark identifying certain apexes of public sentiments where the authors show the inevitable swing towards new attitudes and norms were predictable if people paid attention to certain markers. The hair bands of the ’80s and the swinging ’20s actually do have many things in common.

For marketers, this is an excellent base for starting research and breathing fresh air into marketing plans as they look for new approaches to reach their target market audiences. It offers a unique 40,000 foot perspective about the natural ebbs and flows of society while providing general guidance in predicting public sentiments to help shape future communication and marketing strategies down to the type of imagery that would be more impactful on your website and corporate materials.

It certainly offers some very credible explanations about why certain marketing tactics and messaging work then fall out of favor. As a software developer who appreciates systems and the building blocks and patterns on which everything functions together, the insights about the 80-year cycles of societies aren’t profound as much as they help raise awareness of the herd mentality of societies.

Overall, “Pendulum” is a very interesting read that will inevitably welcome new perspectives and questions when deliberating future business and marketing strategies.

Aaron Belchamber