Promoting your new real estate community to a world audience is essential. Video is an impactful way to show off the community and amenities without any extra effort. How much is a good community development video worth? Perhaps it’s the difference between selling 3 more units in a quarter?

When you have so much show and say, there’s no more efficient way than real estate web videos!

ring in the rain thumbnail

Download the sample Marketing Plan!

The “Organization of a Marketing Department” section in this plan has been updated and is also available as an ebook.

Advertising campaigns are important components in an overall marketing strategy.  Here is a sample of a full marketing plan containing specific advertising campaign ideas that were not only considered but many of them were used by different national jewelry retailers.

These kind of marketing plans provide clarity in concepts and overarching goals specific to certain types of audiences. They also provided new ideas which were infused into the companies marketing strategies. This plan provided not just new energy for the company, it provided new synergy and direction regarding creative and messaging.

The individual campaigns provided in the plan helped the company on multiple fronts including increasing sales, their digital footprint and their overall brand recognition.  Some of the breakdowns provided may no longer be relevant in today’s context but this is still a good, solid example of an effective marketing plan.

It provides not only new ideas but a new and organized way of separating responsibilities and discerning the different channels that would be used to communicate and broadcast the different marketing messages to their target audiences.