Video Transcript of Chiropractor Infomercial:
To learn more about chiropractor marketing services and chiropractic ad agency, click here. We have over 20 years experience helping different types of chiropractors in different markets grow their businesses!
Different patients:
“My back pain was just getting to the point where I couldn’t do the things that I really enjoy doing in life.”
“Restricted from any high impact exercise such as jogging, walking on the treadmill, running the stairs, riding my mountain bike, lifting up my three-year-old son, it adversely impacted my whole life.”
“I had seized almost every activity I ever did and the worst thing of all was I could not sleep laying down in a bed at night, it was just sheer torture.”
“I was unable to move, unable to go into the shower, unable to take myself to the bathroom, I mean I was just a physical, physical mess.”
“I couldn’t even pick up my nieces and nephews and that was the hardest thing because I love my nieces and nephews, and for them to stand next to me and say “Pick me up!” and say “No I can’t my back hurts” – back pain changed my life it took away the things that I love to do and I needed to find another option besides back surgery.”
“For people with chronic back or neck pain nothing is easy, daily tasks become impossible.
Sometimes it’s hard to get out of bed and face the day.
Today, we’re going to take you to meet real patients of the Back Pain Institute right here in Southwest Florida.
We will introduce you to the doctors who will actually be screening and overseeing your road to recovering from your back pain.
We will show you information about the Back Pain Institute’s simple, non-invasive and very effective procedure that will eliminate your back or neck pain and help restore your active lifestyle.
It’s called VAXD therapy, and it’s a unique non-surgical FDA recognized procedure available to you exclusively by certified VAXD operators.
The Back Pain Institute is the experienced leader in Southwest Florida for VAXD, a patented procedure
that has been tested and proven.
The Back Pain Institute has helped thousands of patients reduce pain in their lower back or neck and in most cases VAXD has eliminated their back pain altogether.
Degenerated current and bulging discs cause more than just discomfort, they cause so much pain they prevent us from enjoying the simplest pleasures in life.
VAXD therapy is a spinal decompression procedure that reverses the damage and reinvigorates those parts of the spine that are damaged.
VAXD helps your discs heal themselves, often resulting in remarkable improvements in your daily life after only about a month’s worth of treatment.
You don’t have to live with that pain any longer, proudly serving the Southwest Florida area, the Back Pain Institute and its VAXD therapy has convenient locations in Fort Myers and Naples to provide you relief for your back pain.
Now, let’s visit a high school football coach from Naples and learn how his VAXD treatment at the Back Pain Institute helped him get back in the game.”
Football coach/VAXD patient:
“I’m a football coach and with my back pain I’ve got to the point where it almost took my passion of coaching away. I had to make a decision in life, do I go for surgery or do I go for therapy?
I investigated VAXD, I’m originally from New Jersey and investigated back then while I was there as an alternative source to surgery.
I should have first started with chiropractic and the surgeons that I went to told me I needed to get operated on but they also informed me to the fact that the operation wasn’t a cure, just a band-aid.
The situation was that if they removed the disc or part of the disc, eventually it will bulge out and more would come out if they took it out totally infused it with the disk above and a disc below which started to degenerate and I’d have the similar situation two or three years from now so I decided at that point
that you know surgery was never going to be an option for me and again the ironic part my son being a surgeon you know he said Dad you need surgery I’m here about a year and a half now and I’ve had three severe episodes where I was totally in bed the last one for approximately six weeks.
I was unable to move, unable to go into the shower, unable to take myself to the bathroom, I mean I was just a physical, physical mess.
I remembered at that point the VAXD from New Jersey and I looked it up online and found a VAXD in Fort Myers, called up asked what they could do me, that they had another location here in Naples, Florida.
Being I live in Naples, it was a great fit.
I made an appointment with Dr. Gadelletta, tremendous experience, great staff, just very informative as far as sitting me down in his office and explaining the whole process to me and what was going on inside my body.
He sent me for another MRI, when that MRI came back, everyone was shocked to the point where
it was more severe than we originally anticipated.
Dr. Gadelletta said that this was going to be one of the toughest cases we’ve ever had but we really want to think we could really help but you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
I was kind of apprehensive because when you think about somebody stretching your spine and
working pulling your spine on a machine, you get kind of scared a little bit, you know, but I said it’s
either getting my back stretched that is on a machine or going in a hospital and getting some guy with a knife to cut my back open, so I said I think I’m going to go with the VAXD.
The first 20 treatments Doc explained to me the entire process when I first got here it took about three people to get me on the table and about three people to get me off, but I left a little bit better every
time I left and I felt a little bit better as the days progressed.
By my 19th treatment, I was pain free now I can focus again on coaching and not be concerned about my back pain.”
“Through VAXD therapy at the Back Pain Institute, if you are experiencing frequent back pain, please call now for a consultation and free information, our offices are standing by to field your questions and
concerns and to see if you are a candidate for VAXD.
Now, let’s visit with Matt, a resident of Cape Coral to learn how VAXD improved his quality of life.”
Matt, body builder and model:
“My back pain really was getting to the point of where I was in pain 24 hours a day seven days a week it was making it impossible for me to do a lot of the things I enjoy, sports, lifting weights, even the simple act of just picking my daughter up was almost impossible due to the back pain.
I had seen other chiropractors before and I’ve even had my back pain treated, you know through my
primary care physician with medications, they helped but they didn’t really take care of the problem and I heard about the VAXD procedure and I’d done some research on the internet.
VAXD therapy is basically a spinal decompression and what they do is relatively simple, they will hook you up with a harness around your back, lower back, and what the machine does is basically stretch your spine. Believe it or not this is something that I looked forward to every day.
I went for 20 sessions, day to day, I actually looked forward to it because it feels so good having your back actually stretched out like that probably after my third visit with the Back Pain Institute, I actually
could notice a difference and in the pain level that I was feeling and it definitely was better.
Dr. Wootten and his staff treated me like family and they made the whole experience just so comfortable, the Back Pain Institute and VAXD therapy made all the difference in the world.
My back pain has improved so much I’m able to enjoy the important things in my life.”
“If back pain is limiting your mobility the Back Pain Institute and VAXD therapy will reverse damage to your spinal discs that’s causing your pain and restore your active lifestyle without drugs or surgery.
Remember, VAXD therapy is an FDA recognized patented procedure that can reduce and usually eliminate your back or neck pain with two conveniently located offices in Fort Myers and Naples,
the Back Pain Institute currently has scheduled openings that can fit around your busy life.
Please call now and find out how you can significantly reduce and often eliminate your back pain.
You owe it to yourself and to your family, you don’t have to live with back pain any longer, to find out if you are a candidate for VAXD therapy, call PHONE NUMBER HERE, our Fort Myers and Naples offices can both be reached at this number.
We serve all of Southwest Florida, call the Back Pain Institute today.
Many people with chronic back pain are faced with few options of relief from their symptoms, some feel they can’t do anything about it and live with their back pain every day.
Many patients are given the recommendation to have surgery without ever learning about the alternatives such as VAXD therapy.
The Back Pain Institute only accepts patients they can help, you deserve to learn more about this non-invasive, non-surgical FDA recognized treatment that has a proven track record of not just reversing but completely eliminating chronic back pain in most cases that follow the prescribed treatment plan.
There are no side effects and it’s drug-free requiring no anesthesia. Let’s visit Dr. Wooten from the Back Pain Institute, Fort Myers to learn more about the patented VAXD therapy and why you should call now to learn more about this effective and proven alternative to spinal surgery.”
Dr. Wootten:
“Hello, I’m Dr. Wootten from the Back Pain Institute I have had 12 years experience treating with the VAXD treatment, I was the first to introduce it here in Southwest Florida.
Many people suffer from disc problems, if you have a disc problem in the lower back you often will have low back pain or you may have pain or numbness down one or both legs if it’s in the neck area.
You’ll tend to have neck pain or pain or numbness down one or both arms.
Now, this is a model of two vertebrae in the lower back and these are the bumps you feel down your spine called spinous processes the spinal canal is where the spinal cord goes down through like the telephone cable from the brain and the nerves branch out from between the vertebrae.
The disc is a pad between the vertebrae that hold the bones together act like a shock absorber and allow for the movement in the spine, there is no direct blood supply to a disc it has to get its nutrition by the fluids that seep in from the bone above and the bone below through osmosis and the pumping action of
movement, now the disk can degenerate from a number of different causes one of the most common causes might be a severe injury like an automobile accident or a heavy lifting injury where you actually damaged the disc.
Another way it may develop is if you have a chronic condition where you don’t have movement there it in that part of the spine, you have poor circulation going into the disc and a buildup of waste products inside the disc and those waste products are acidic in nature and they cause a disc to break down.
Now a disc has been considered to be an incurable condition it’s a progressive degeneration of the disc and if you have a lack of movement in one disc the one above has to make up for it by over moving and that causes it to break down so there’s no hope at all of ever really healing the disc.
Dr. Alan Dyer is a famous medical doctor who also invented the heart defibrillator and he himself developed a herniated disk and they were recommending that he have surgery and he didn’t want anything to do with that because he knew of all the risk factors and so he decided to try to find some way through possible to actually heal the disc and the first thing he tried and what everyone thinks
might help and that’s traction.
With traction, the muscles feel the pull and they resist it so you’re always pulling against the muscle guarding and the pressure would actually go up Dr. Dyer did some more research and he finally discovered a formula that would control the rate of increase of pressure that was so gradual that the muscles couldn’t even tell they’re being pulled and that way you can bypass the muscle guarding
then you could pull directly on the disc.
Now, if you stretch the disc itself it’s like pulling on a plunger of a hypodermic needle and it creates a
powerful vacuum inside the disc and for the first time then it was possible to heal the disc because when you apply the VAXD treatment it will stimulate and repair cells, it will draw fluid into the disc and restore movement so that you have that pumping action working again.”
“Thank you Dr. Wooten, the Back Pain Institute is committed to restoring your active lifestyle and your quality of life.
A father who can once again bend down and pick up his little girl, a coach who can climb stairs without pain, these are just a few examples of how the Back Pain Institute has improved their patients’ quality of life.
You may know someone whose life is basically put on hold from their back pain, do them a favor and let them know about the Back Pain Institute.
You can go on to the Back Pain Institute’s website and have them watch this video online, they can even fill out a web form and receive a free DVD of this video program.
Better yet, pass this phone number on to them, just one call could change their life. You deserve to live a pain-free life to, find out if you are a candidate for VAXD therapy, call 239 – 936-BACK.
Now let’s meet a couple of other Back Pain Institute patients here in Southwest Florida who have experienced the positive life-changing effects of VAXD therapy.”
Patient, retired:
“I began having back pain approximately 10 years ago and it just became progressively worse faster and faster by the month until at the end of a two-year period I could not stand.
I could barely walk, I had to walk with a cane, I had to cease almost every activity I ever did.
I had done chiropractic, had done just about every alternative medicine treatment you can imagine, I was on extremely heavy pain medication so much so that after about five months I had completely lost my appetite, I went down to about 90 pounds, I looked awful and felt worse and I really was out of
Then we saw the ad for VAXD and my husband said you should try it. I’m somewhat skeptical about TV ads so I wasn’t really sure if it was for real or if it was just you’re going to be doing heavy-duty massage or something like that, all of which I’d already done.
I went down to Fort Myers and met Dr. Wootten, when I met Dr. Wootten I liked his demeanor, he’s very calm, very easy to be with and he explained to me that they have approximately an eighty-five
percent recovery rate from back pain.
He was very confident in what he was doing, what he was speaking about. What he told me about VAXD, he gave me several histories of other people told me but basically what I could expect and I had
felt very confident at the end of the interview.
The first time I got on the VAXD machine I actually rather enjoyed the treatment, there’s a little
stretching and then there’s relaxation, a little stretching then a relaxation cycle, without a doubt after15 treatments I already knew that I was getting a good result, he delivered on everything he promised and then some.
I actually just hoped to be better and instead I actually consider myself completely cured.
Something I always wanted to do was pottering so I signed up for pottery classes, I was absolutely amazed how much strength it took so I was very grateful for VAXD because I could never have done that before.
I have not had a reoccurrence of back pain or any problem related to the back injury that I suffered and it’s been five years, five wonderful years I am active again, I’m happy again and life is definitely worth living.”
“You may not be familiar with VAXD but it’s in your best interest to learn as much as you can, relief from your back pain could be just a phone call away.
If you do experience frequent back pain you can call us directly at the number on your screen, ask your doctor about VAXD as an alternative to surgery or drugs.”
“It was about a year ago my herniated a disc in my back I tried everything, I went from surgeon to surgeon, all they wanted to do was do surgery on me.
Traction? I tried traction they say traction is like VAXD, from personal experience it is not as much pain as I was in everything else I tried I was getting no relief whatsoever, if anything it made me worse, at my rope’s end.
I went to the Back Pain Institute and Dr. Wootten and Barbara welcomed me with open arms and helped me to get better I was very skeptical at first when I first heard of it but as time progressed I did research, I started going online and inquiring about the VAXD table, the table’s been around for 15 years, it was created by a doctor who himself had back problems it just made sense it made sense that when you injure your back your back cannot heal itself because the way your discs work is by moving basically moving and the muscles and the tissues around it condition your your discs and when they’re injured they cannot do that everything freezes up and with the VAXD table when you lie on it and it gently stretches your spine it tricks those muscles it tricks those muscles and it allows the fluid and and nutrients to go to your to your disc which is ultimately what heals this.
VAXD does work and I am living, walking proof relief can be just a phone call away.”
“To find out if you are a candidate for VAXD therapy call PHONE NUMBER HERE.
Now let’s go to our Naples location and introduce you to Dr. Gadalletta, he’s going to tell us more about VAXD therapy and spinal decompression.”
Dr. Gadalletta:
“In my 15 years of practice, I’ve seen just about every scenario when it comes to low back pain.
Patients have tried everything, they’ve exhausted all measures from conservative care to medical intervention which may have included drugs, epidurals, and they come to the point where they’re just
frustrated and they become skeptical of why all these other conventional therapies didn’t work and what it is that I have to offer them here at the Back Pain Institute in Naples.
My experience of carefully selecting and screening patients that are candidates for VAXD therapy, the reason why VAXD works is because it addresses the cause of the problem, when the disc has come to a point where it has just decreased in height or it is putting constant pressure on a nerve that is why the conventional therapies won’t work because they do not address this problem.
Compared to surgery, VAXD is very safe, non-invasive and highly effective in over 75 to 80 percent of
the patients that undergo treatment, there’s no loss of time from work, no costly rehabilitation whereas with surgical intervention there could be complications with anesthesia, likely an expensive rehabilitation time and lost time from work.
Over fifty percent of the patients just don’t do well after surgery, that’s why I stress to those of you that are suffering from low back pain and tried just about everything VAXD has been proven to be highly safe, non-invasive and effective.”
“Thank you Dr. Gadelletta, as we’ve mentioned before it doesn’t cost you anything to call the Back Pain Institute, to find out more about VAXD therapy and how you can get permanent relief from your back pain quickly and affordably.
The symptoms that I had were a constant pain between a three and a six daily in my back radiating down my right leg above the knee and just a general body ache when you bend over to lift something, it was just aches and pain.
I initially went to a chiropractor because I believe in chiropractic and I had short-term relief, I tried physical therapy with only short-term relief and I did visit a surgeon and he said I wasn’t a candidate
because the pain didn’t go below my knee and I didn’t have the numbness and tingling in the right location so he said I wasn’t a candidate and that I just had to live with the pain, but live with it for 12 years every day and you just become tired of putting up with a pain.”
Patient, Younger Woman:
“I found the Back Pain Institute through their infomercials on TV and in the sports page of our local newspaper.
Dr. Wootten explained to me with his little models of what happens with the gel and the disc when it bulges and how it pushes on the nerve and how the VAXD applies a vacuum and actually pulls the
gel back in he explained it to me, I looked at it and said I got to give it a shot and within five visits I already felt a difference.
Once the VAXD pulls that bulge back in the scar tissue he explains to me that it will never bulge out in that area again because scar tissue is stronger than any part of the disc.
They took an MRI prior and they show you the little black bulge and where it is on the nerve I did my 25 visits then they do another MRI, my name on it popped up on the light and that bulge is gone so they prove to you that it works, I’m a believer because my back has never felt this good I’m 43 years old and I move around better than most 43 year old men.
As you’ve seen the Back Pain Institute’s VAXD therapy produces amazing results in most patients.
I was in a car accident. I was rear-ended and I started noticing the pain it was about a week or two after and I started to visit doctors and they put me to go through physical therapy and it wasn’t helping they started doing injections in my back and that helped for a while but it didn’t really get rid of the problem unitl I saw a commercial on TV.”

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