Aaron Belchamber photo

No matter any organization’s size, we only have so much time and resources to operate a business.  Most people agree that an effective website and web presence could make the difference between growth and stagnation, a sale or losing a lead or opportunity to a better-positioned competitor.  It could impact future growth to the point to be the difference between survival and going out of business.

My Elusive Search for Ranking “Video Production in Jacksonville Florida”

AI and our ability to have conversations with bots to get more succinct and detailed information has already changed the SEO landscape in very profound ways which at the moment are hard to measure.  That said, I am still operating my website under the premise that these bots are still using under the hood using some form of the search algorithm that we became so accustomed to.

Focus on search terms that will convert!

If a person in the Jacksonville area types in “Jacksonville video production”, “video production in Jacksonville”, or “Video production services Jacksonville” or something close to that effect, I would like to be found on the first page.  Even though I have global clients I edit videos and provide 3D animations for, this is just a local challenge for me.  The reason I will find this beneficial as a video producer is that it will enable me to work more closely with local businesses for on-site video shoots.  I have helped remotely direct shoots but it’s not the same as being hands-on and on site.  Also, closer proximity means being more accessible and available to local clients which can strengthen business relationships.

Search engines want businesses to not worry about their algorithms

Over the years I have learned a lot about digital marketing, content strategy, SEO (search engine optimization) and CRO (conversion rate optimization).  Something I had suspected about content strategy that I believe has been confirmed not only by paid consultants but from my own experience is that businesses should not focus too heavily on SEO and conforming to every little detail.  The act of being found in improving your web presence comes down to the quality of your content.  Videos are by far the most effective web content with the most proven impact.

Google definitely is the leader in search right now, so taking their advice is paramount to becoming successful.  One of the national leaders in search engine optimization and speaker at many Google Next events as a consultant repeatedly states that search engines do not want companies to focus heavily on SEO.  Search engines do not want to get in the way so they recommend focusing on creating useful content that will be valuable to your organization and web visitors.  Search engines recognize that being transparent will likely encourage more organic and natural content as opposed to influencing content creators to artificially “hack” the search engines ranking systems.

Content is king… still

It’s all about content and quality content is king!  It is possible to be over optimized which also partly weighs towards your overall SEO performance which can affect your search page rankings.  There are two reasons for this, one is an obsessive focus on SEO diverts resources from improving your website and making quality content. The other reason is that search engines are suspicious of companies with pristine SEO scores.

There is a real opportunity cost diverting your time, talent and resources massaging your content through SEO.

Do not fall into a profile where the search engines may subject you to higher standards and scrutiny.  You don’t want your web reputation to fall into the spam and click farm crowd, I have seen this happen.  I have also seen a well seasoned website fall and never recover once it is flagged as low quality or spam.

Dedicate no more than 10% towards SEO efforts

There is a real opportunity cost diverting your time, talent and resources massaging your content through SEO.  For your business by all means pay attention to the SEO basics but don’t let it divert more than 10% of the resources you would usually use to actually create quality content.  In a perfect scenario, no business would have to worry about SEO at all.  Perhaps AI is already changing that and will positively influence a movement towards complete invisibility.  However, until then, I prefer a balanced approach but if it comes down to time and resources remember CONTENT IS KING.

Sales graph increase sales

It is possible to get video production, video editing and 3D animation services with little out of pocket or up front expense to a business.  The solution is collaborating on trade so if you have a business that provides products or services that I find valuable we can leverage each other’s value propositions and exchange them.  So if you need video work done, I may need a new roof (which unfortunately we will need soon) — you get the point. 

One of my goals for this website is to find more freelance video production, video editing and 3D animation projects.  In the past I have enjoyed providing video services for smaller companies and nonprofits and have even provided these services on trade.  Bartering in this way has proven to be a creative win-win relationship!

Startups have limited resources at first

Perhaps you are a startup looking for quality and high value and want to keep your costs down.  Maybe your organization was looking to get videos made but due to the prohibitive cost and high quotes you were getting you decided to delay such investments to divert your limited resources to grow your business elsewhere.  Trading what you provide as value with other businesses that can help you is a creative win-win. 

Maybe you tried making videos yourself and you’re just not happy with the results. I have a lot of experience taking existing video projects and re-editing and repurposing them so organizations can get more value out of them.  You can save money and I have always found it challenging and fun to revitalize a business’s branding and messaging in this way.

How bartering for video production works

In exchange for your services and products I can provide video and general media services.  Perhaps you have a lobby video running on a loop you would like to freshen up or you do not have one at all but want one? Perhaps you are looking for a new series of television commercials or web explainer videos?  Maybe you want to put new testimonials on your website from some of your happiest customers, clients or patients?

We can both benefit from this type of collaboration.  In this sense it is not a matter of “you get what you pay for”.  This arrangement allows us to trade on the premium value we each assess for each other.  Depending on the scope of the projects, sometimes the trade doesn’t have to go dollar for dollar, we can even arrange for a percentage of trade at least to keep the project or hourly costs down.

We are currently open to trading our video production and editing services with a few of these businesses:

  • Restaurants & Cafes
  • Roofers
  • Computer/Workstations
  • Cloud hosting
  • Pest Control Company
  • Auto Sales & Repair
  • RV Sales and Rentals
  • Home Insulation
  • A/C Repairs
  • A/C Vent Cleaning
  • Home Construction and Subcontractors
  • New Driveway
  • Landscaping Companies
  • Plant Nurseries

This list is subject to change, so if you are a company looking to find creative ways to get Video Production Services without breaking the bank, reach out to me!

Bartering isn’t for everyone

In summary, in the past I have found it very rewarding to work with smaller companies on trade.  Startups without the capital at first to afford the level of video production they could afford at the beginning have limited options. Some companies may find that this is too low brow and are too proud to barter so they will work around not using videos. Rest assured if these companies wait too long their competitors inevitably will not.

I’ve developed some great relationships with some very successful business owners and I’m proud to have seen many of these companies really take off.  Here are some examples of some of the partial trades I have provided video production services in exchange for:  A restaurant with a tab, a week with an RV, a credit for plants at a nursery, pallets of mulch and paver bricks, new computers and monitors, etc.

Please contact me by filling out the contact form or giving me a call. We can talk about your business goals and how videos can help you achieve your goals in advertising, providing information and helping you communicate effectively to your target market.

Blender Flamenco - Setup Your Own Blender Render Farm for Free, Aaron Belchamber Video Production Jacksonville FL

I was recently invited by nextdayvideos.com to create a Blender tutorial walkthrough video for Blender Flamenco and explain how to set up a render farm.

If you’re interested in creating your own render pipelines or just making your 3D production workflow more efficient by saving time and getting your renders done faster, check out the video above and please click the like button!

Aaron Belchamber photo

Reach me for a free quote

Contact Me!


If you are looking for freelance video production, video editing or 3D animation services I offer creative and quick turnaround!  My name is Aaron Belchamber and I started in media production as a graphic designer in 1995.  Since then, I’ve produced hundreds of videos, animations and other digital marketing materials for broadcast, events and the web.  For companies from Fortune 300 to small, local Mom & Pops. 

I have over 25 years experience with the Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut, Autodesk 3Ds Max, Blender, among other tools.  I am a proud member of the Blender Studios community.  I leverage my senior cloud software engineering experience and set up my own render farms including Backburner and Blender’s Flamenco.